#NaPoWriMo2024 The Ten HellHounds of Helston

‘The Ten HellHounds of Helston’


The Ten HellHounds of Helston,

a motley bunch they were,

they picked their noses…

from a catalogue;

they curling-tonged their fur;

four of them were EVIL

the other six…

they were EVIL, too;

the Ten HellHounds of Helston,

never said, “Hello! How do you do?”


The Ten HellHounds of Helston,

started off as one;

but one HellHound gets lonely,

two is double the fun.

So, an advert was there published

in Helston-by-the-Sea;

and applicants came running,

EVIL for to be.


The first HellHound was ‘Sticky’,

until it changed its name;

and ‘Fang’ became the leader,

and ‘Nasty’ turned the game.


‘Claw’ and ‘Howl’, lieutenants

to the leader of the pack;

but when the pack only numbers three,

is there something of a lack?


A membership drive was introduced;

with promises of a decent pension;

three lost souls were seduced,

three too lost to mention;

and two joined for the perks,

free enmity, sinful deeds,

luncheon vouchers, the works!


The last pair that joined

were ‘Hagtooth’ and ‘Squiffy Knee’;

from the North of the County,

in Bude they had purloined;

with a reputation for being real hard,

they broke into the local bank

using a loyalty card as bounty.


The Ten HellHounds of Helston

were EVIL through and through;

there wasn’t a single EVIL deed

that they weren’t fain to do.

They smashed up an abandoned bus stop,

wrote ‘RIBBISH’ on a bin;

kicked empty cans at midnight,

with a fearsome fangy grin.

The Ten HellHounds of Helston

even said that black was probably white.


A legend in their Lungetimes,

they slobbered and they drooled;

The Ten HellHounds of Helston

from Wendron to Porthleven

all the land they ruled.




NB The Cornish Connection with this one…?

Well, I’ll let you work that one out.


PS the picture was borrowed from the inter web and edited to suit. Thank you, web.


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